Victorville residents should get ready to "Go Green!" when the new residential organics recycling (green barrel) program starts the week of December 4.
Victorville residents with curbside trash and recycling service will receive a new green barrel to be used for garden trimmings and food scraps. Victorville Disposal will deliver the green barrels, to single-family residences beginning December 4th and continuing through the month of December to distribute the containers to approximately 32,000 homes. Residents can begin using the new green barrels for organic waste immediately with pickup starting on their service day the following week.
While garden trimmings should be placed loose in the green barrel, food waste should first be placed in plastic bags. Bags of food waste should be tied shut before they are placed in the green barrel.
Garden trimmings include grass clippings, weeds, tree and shrub clippings, cut flowers/bouquets, and leaves. Food scraps include fruit and vegetable waste, plate scrapings, spoiled food, coffee grounds, eggshells, meat, solid dairy, and bones.
For more information on the new residential organics recycling program, please check out our Residential Organics Program page here.