Victorville, CA
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The California Department of Housing and Community Development (State HCD) recently announced that the City is eligible for approximately $3.8 million in PLHA funds over the next five years. The purpose of the PLHA Program is to help local governments to address their affordable housing needs. To access these funds, the City must submit a 5-Year Plan showing how it intends to use the PLHA funds over the next five years for eligible housing activities within the City of Victorville.
Additional information on the PLHA Program and the City’s PLHA 5-Year Plan can be found below:
1. State HCD PLHA NOFA - State of California Notice of Funding announcing the purpose of the funding and critical deadlines for local qualified agencies.
2. State HCD PLHA Final Guidelines - Includes eligible activities, application process, and threshold requirements for an application to be considered for funding.
3. City Five-Year Plan - Includes a table listing activities the City proposes to fund for the next 5-years along with the percent of funds which will be allocated to each of these activities.