Contract Class Satisfaction Survey

Please correct the fields below:

As a family participating in Contract Classes with the City of Victorville, your opinion is very important to us. Please take a few moments to give your input so that we can continue to provide an excellent experience for you or and your family members.
What type of class is the participant taking?
What type of class is the participant taking?
On a scale of 5-1 (5 being the most satisfied, and 1 being the least satisfied) tell us how satisfied you are with the class.
On a scale of 5-1 (5 being the most satisfied, and 1 being the least satisfied) tell us how satisfied you are with the class.
5 4 3 2 1
Class Schedule
Participant Enjoys the Class
Participant Likes the Teacher
Teacher is Approachable
Would you be interested in taking any of the following classes if they were offered? (check all that apply)
Would you be interested in taking any of the following classes if they were offered? (check all that apply)
Please tell us about any other classes you would like to take that are not currently offered.
Are there any other comments you would like to make?
If you would like us to respond back to you regarding your comments, please list your email address.